A Celebration of Woodstock - 51 Years Later
EThree with host Bob Zucker Higley's Own Resident Hippie
Join Higley Center's very own resident hippie Bob Zucker for EThree' s "Woodstock - 51 Years Later" this Thursday, August 13th at 7:00pm live streamed at www.higleycenter.org/hctv.htm.. You can also watch the Facebook Live event on the Higley Center Facebook page. Hear stories from guests who were there. Enjoy the amazing music of the times which represents some of the best rock music ever performed. See photos and videos of one of the great concert events of all time. We will also have our regular features including movie memorabilia and "Words We Don't Use Often". Join the fun as we play "Where's Bob" in the Woodstock Documentary. He appears in the movie three times. If you remember Woodstock you will love this episode of EThree. If you don't remember Woodstock you will find out why it is legendary. As those of us who were there say, "If You Remember the 60's, You Weren't There"! Thursday, August 13, 2020 - 7:00pm
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