Bettman & Halpin


September 24th, Fullerton CA 7:30 pm

Hi friends,

I can't believe it's September. Forevermore we will remember this year; the year of letting go. Letting go of who we thought we were. Letting go of what no longer serves. Letting go of jobs, titles, structure, and stability. Learning how to dance on a sea of unknown possibilities. How's your dance going?

As you can see - we have a show coming up! Live and in person! I almost can't believe it.

Fullerton CA, at The Muckenthaler for a "Drive-In Concert" on the 24th of this month. That'll be a first.

It's a year of firsts: for the first time, we're putting together a cookbook. This year is the first time I've sung to you through phone screens and camera lenses. And now it will be the first time I will sing to you in your cars. I'm wondering if the applause is going to be a cascade of car horns? I'm wondering if there will be little window speakers in all the cars - crackling and fizzing like the Drive-In used to?

For those of you not near Fullerton CA, what can we do for you? Is it time for another online concert?

Stay healthy friends. Stay sane. Call someone you love.

Gratefully yours, Stephanie

PS - if you would like to support B & H, please share the link to our recordings here with your friends, or if you don't yet have a T-Shirt or some of our newer music yet you can shop here. We appreciate your support!