Red Green introduces brand new 'Possum Lodge Podcast' starting June 28th at 9PM (ET)

After 300 TV shows, a half dozen TV specials, a feature film, 8 books, an internationally syndicated newspaper column and 4 successful North American Theatre Tours, Red Green is introducing a brand new Possum Lodge Podcast starting June 28th at 9 p.m. Eastern. Red (Steve Smith) will co-host each show with Dave Smith (Steve’s son in real life and a writer on The Red Green Show).

Unlike most podcasts, this one will more closely resemble an old style scripted radio show with action scenes as well as commentary. The core of the show will be the actors and segments that made the TV show popular (Handyman Corners, Word Games, Life Advice, Male Call, Lodge Meetings) and 13 new characters who will be added to that mix which will enable the podcast to expand the concept to reveal more of the people and activities that define the town of Possum Lake.

Another wrinkle is that this podcast is rejecting commercials and sponsorships and is relying instead on the financial support of its subscribers. Production is already well under way for 12 new podcasts to stream the last Sunday of each month from now until at least June 2021.

For more information or to request an interview, please contact Dave Smith at or call him at 416.846.7394.

About The Red Green Show: The Red Green Show is a unique half-hour comedy series targeted at family audiences, with the purpose of entertaining and providing an escape from the pressures of urban living.

Set way up north at the infamous Possum Lodge, The Red Green Show is a hilarious insight into men, their dreams, and their obsessions. It's a show for anyone who thinks God created man to give the rest of the world something to laugh at!

Steve Smith plays the acerbic, dry-witted Red Green, lodge leader and host of the show that takes special aim at the yet unexplored humorous side of the male ego and other inflatables. Pat McKenna plays Harold, Red's techno-geek nephew, and Rick Green (no relation to Red) is the klutzy naturalist Bill. Each week they pass the time bonding, adventuring, entrepreneuring and basically keeping the eight-year-old in them alive and well.