Acoustic Eidolon

Summer Colorado Concerts Below! Scroll down and enjoy a few photos from our recent Faroe Islands tour, including from our concert in a sea cave.

Photo credit Christiane Stanko

This is from the Concert in the Sea Cave ("Concerto Grotto"), photo courtesy of Christiane Stanko. We weren't seasick, the cello did NOT puncture the boat (thanks to a handy rubber tennis ball tip, courtesy of Ed Stallard, and Block Cello Strap courtesy of Carlos Chavez). The acoustics were breathtaking, the cave was deep hues of green and lavender and rust, and it sounded like we were playing underneath a giant piano that gathered all of our notes, savored them, and then gave them back. It was the most amazing experience yet! A video will be coming soon...stay tuned!

While Zach and Hannah were recently in Utqiagvik (Barrow) Alaska, Zach shot video footage that will be part of the upcoming music video of "Journey from Water to Sky", the cello solo that Hannah wrote for Zach. While in the Faroe Islands, we shot additional footage for this music video on the beautiful island of Kalsoy (in a village of 11 people), by the famous "Seal Woman" statue. The setting was pure magic, and two seals even came close to listen to the music!!

So we travel a lot. We see a lot of forms of transportation, and it honestly takes a lot to drop our jaws. But...when we arrived on the island of Mykines, we got off the small passenger ferry (with the help of two Faroese who pretty much pick you up and move you from boat to shore lest you misjudge the waves or distance), THIS was the mode of transportation up the hill! Even with a carbon fiber cello, Hannah was pretty dubious until she realized that the box next to the cello held eggs. Well....ok then! Up she goes!!!

Summer Colorado Concerts:

08/07/2019 :: Vail, CO 5:30 PM - Evenings of Engagement @ your library, Town of Vail Public Library, 292 W. Meadow Dr., Vail, CO 970-479-2187

08/16/2019 :: Ft. Collins, CO 7:30 PM - Annual Concert at the Bas Bleu Theater, 401 Pine Street, Fort Collins, CO 80524. and scroll down to Acoustic Eidolon’s show to buy tickets. Phone: 970-498-8949 or

08/17/2019 :: Ft. Collins, CO 7:30 PM - Annual Concert at the Bas Bleu Theater, 401 Pine Street, Fort Collins, CO 80524. and scroll down to Acoustic Eidolon’s show to buy tickets. Phone: 970-498-8949 or